How to create engaging content for your website

Content is one of, if not THE most, important component of a website.
Content generates user interest and keeps visitors on your page so they can continue to browse through your product line, or read about company information.
One great example of how this can go wrong is when there are too many distracting elements on the home page, that lead users off-course.
If you have no idea where to start, here's some helpful advice on writing content for your website.
1. Stick to the point and choose your words carefully.
Keep all of your content relevant and use only the right words in the right context in order to capture your audience's attention and keep them interested enough to stick around and learn more about what you offer. Make every word count and avoid generalisations because they can often be misleading, or cause misinterpretations among readers who are searching for specific information. This is especially true when it comes to headlines for articles, and titles on product pages, etc.
It helps if you consider how someone might search for something related to what you're trying to sell so that you can come up with compelling ways of highlighting this info through targeted headlines, tags, META descriptions, etc.
2. Use numbers and lists.
When you clearly separate key information such as price, product names, and other specific details in a numbered or bulleted format, it makes it easier for readers to comprehend and click through to another page if they're interested in learning more about what you have to offer.
3. Keep the tone conversational and write as though you're speaking directly with your potential customers.
Use words that describe benefits rather than features. Benefits are reasons why someone should buy from you instead of getting the item cheaper somewhere else. Whilst features are inherent aspects of what makes up your products or services, they may not be necessarily helpful to everyone on every occasion.
For example: "Our hand-crafted computer cases are 100% made by UK workers and inspected before they're shipped" instead of "we manufacture our own computer cases in the UK, and they come with a lifetime warranty".
4. Avoid industry jargon wherever possible, especially if you're not 100% sure if most people will know what it means.
It's better if you don't assume everyone knows an exact definition, so stick to vocabulary that can communicate your message effectively without having to use any words that might be confusing or misleading.
5. Use lists for long sections of text or bigger blocks of information.
Lists tend to break things up and make content more easily scannable, which helps users find exactly what they're looking for at a glance and encourages them to click through links in order to learn more about specific products or services you offer.
6. Assume that anyone reading your website content is entirely new to your business and industry;
keep everything as simple as possible without using too many acronyms or jargon. Jargon tends to make things more difficult to understand, especially for people who aren't all that familiar with what you do, or the products / services that you offer, so it’s best to avoid it.
7. Write short sentences and paragraphs to make information easier to digest.
Long paragraphs are daunting; paragraphs that are broken up into smaller pieces of text are much easier on the eyes, especially when you have a lot of text on one page
8. Give credit where credit is due
Link to other related websites wherever appropriate, but don't link out just for the sake of getting a link back to your site.
9. Format text in a way that's easy on the eyes
Makes it easier for readers to quickly scan through blocks of content by formatting text in a balanced and clear manner
10. Provide contact information & a means of getting in touch
Let them know who you are and where you can be contacted, but use discretion as many people don’t want to give out their own personal details such as phone numbers or email addresses without knowing who they're giving it to first .