Beating the bots with high quality content!

Aug 22, 2024
Daniel Burt
Web Development Company UK - Web Choice

What’s the secret to great content that ranks well AND engages the target audience? — Read on to find out!

There’s three important principles to keep in mind at all times when crafting onsite content;

Who’s the content for

This is an easy one, and it’s the very first question you must ask yourself before you write (or commission) a single word. High quality content drives organic traffic, It’s as simple as that. So if you write compelling copy that solves common problems and asks intriguing questions, an audience will find you. But you can go one better!

Really drill down into exactly who the content needs to target—not just ‘customers’ but 'ideal customer profiles'—that's people who are more likely to need your product and services and who are at the right stage in the buying process to seriously consider taking action.

Example: A small independent garage sells used cars, they could write copy that states how great their cars are, how good their services are and how affordable their prices are. Everyone likes good service, cheap prices, and quality products, right!? Yes, and that’s the problem. It’s not targeted enough, and the keyword used will be so generic and hotly contested that it won’t drive new (and ideal) customers. How can we improve this message to reach a specific audience?

Go into detail. The garage in questions can talk about geographic location and how easy it is to get to / park etc. List services that the garage can do one better than its competitors; e.g., we know have the best M.O.T. prices in a 25 mile radius from postcode X. Detailed, focused information is helpful and will drive ideal clients.

How to enhance for SEO

The major search engines favour content that is backed up by trusted sources. If we go back to our garage, a link to the official M.O.T. Government test criteria, for example, will help build trust and credibility with the accompanying text. Customers of course also value trust and authority, so here it’s important to state dates / times, etc. Eg: Wolverhampton garage has been operating since 1981, and John Carter has been the head mechanic for over 30 years.

Building trust leads to higher conversion rates, so back up claims with facts and figures in the copy wherever possible. Social proof with accompanied backlinks will also do wonders for your SEO.

Don't be tempted to use AI for any content. At first glance it might seem impressive and be a huge time savour, but it won’t fool the search engines and it can’t make compelling content. If you really must use it, do it incredibly sparingly and ask it for prompts that you can then expand upon.

How a professional Web Development Company can help with content

Some businesses are a bit bamboozled by the technical aspects of content creation and SEO, and in such cases it is worth approaching a Web Development Company, or SEO Consultancy Agency for help as they have the experience and skillset to create high quality content that ranks well.

SEO Consultant Agencies specialise in keyword research, and competitor analysis. They can also implement off-page SEO techniques as well as on-page, content oriented activities. Yes they cost money, but many SMEs stand a great deal to gain by partnering with a dedicated SEO agency.

Content Creation FAQs

1. How can you use content to improve SEO?

It’s simple, plus it makes a great deal of sense when you think about it. Create high quality content that’s aimed at your ideal customer to drive them to your site. Additionally, the search engines will rank your web pages more highly if they perceive them to be of high value.

2. Should you ask a Web Development Company for help with content?

If you don’t have the time or resources to create high quality content then yes, we recommend asking a reputable Web Development Company for help with content creation. They have the skill and experience to craft high value content that’s well researched, and speaks directly to your target customers.

4. What do SEO Consultancy Agencies have to offer?

SEO Consultancy Agencies are specialists in SEO. They know how to implement effective keyword strategies, analyse your competitors, and tighten up the backend of your site so that performance isn’t negatively affecting your SERP.

5. Do any Web Development Companies out there also offer SEO Consultancy services?

Yes! Web Choice is one such example of a web development agency offering comprehensive SEO consultancy, alongside full-service website design services.

Hit the ‘contact’ button now and have a chat with Tom from Web Choice!

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