As a well-established web development company in the UK, we can share with you what is perhaps the number one pain point that customers come to us with: how to generate new leads. In this piece, we are going to explore the reasons why a website might be underperforming and, crucially, give you some valuable insights into what you can do about it!
Key areas where your website could be letting you down
It is perhaps counterintuitive, but a really snazzy, overly complex layout might look fancy, but it could actually be driving potential customers away from you. Streamlined, minimalist design wins the day in the world of web design. Get behind the eyes of your target customer and ask yourself these three questions:
- Are you clearly demonstrating your offering to them?
- Are you using too many buzzwords / technical terms?
- Are you solving a problem, or creating one?
As a general rule, the longer it takes a visitor to your site to find the information they are looking for, the more likely it is they will click close on their browser and Google one of your competitors instead. Be clear with pricing, be concise with the details, and make sure it is easy for a potential customer to get in touch with you if they can’t immediately find what they're looking for.
Navigation plays a key role here too; if you can get away with fewer pages, then do so. If you do need to have lots of information, structure it in such a way that a visitor is presented with cascading layers of information. Get the basics covered first, then go into further and further detail, so the visitor can choose the level of depth that they wish to go to rather than have to wade through everything to get to what they actually came for.
Be sure to have prominent 'calls to action' too. That’s any headline, button, or text that directs a visitor into taking a desired action right away.
One last area that’s often overlooked is mobile responsiveness. Be sure to check for any new updates on a smartphone, as that is how the majority of your potential customers will visit your URL.
Engage with your content
The content on your site should be engaging. That’s all the content, not just some of it. Remember that even your most loyal customer, your most passionate brand-ambassador, won’t care even half as much about your company as you do. Don’t waffle on for paragraphs and paragraphs about how amazing you are and the journey you’ve all been on to get where you are, the likelihood is that they just want to find evidence of the following:
- Reassurance that you are a trusted brand / service provider
- That you can solve their specific pain-point better than your competitors
- And you can do so for a price they can justify and afford
With regards to reassurance, be sure to include plenty of social proof on your site. Use testimonials, reviews, and success stories to gain credibility.
Still need a bit of help?
TIf you have had trouble generating leads and feel you could benefit from expert help, there is a way forward!
At Web Choice UK, we don’t just build outstanding websites; we craft high performance lead magnet machines!
Our comprehensive offerings give you the very best in Web Design, complete with SEO packages that deliver. Please https://www.webdesignchoice.co.uk/contact.html get in touch with us to find out how we can transform your website, and your fortunes!